Stylish hand tied bouquet in pink, white and pastel tones


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Ever wanted Spring in a bouquet? This stunning arrangement is definitely up your alley!

Thoughtfully selected by our florists, this pretty soft and feminine arrangement radiates with pastel tones and cherry pink blossoms, all hand tied with vibrant fresh greens. Perfect for gifts, birthdays, anniversaries or simply “just because”. 

Our floral stylists will create a unique arrangement using these images as an inspiration. All flowers are chosen according to the best quality and seasonal availability.

Please keep in mind that flowers can be slightly different in colour or variety depending on availability or season. Despite of that, the overall value and style will remain the same.

Some blooms will be sent with closed buds to ensure the longevity of your bouquet so that you are able to spend more time enjoying your flowers.

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greetings card

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Get well soon

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